Role-playing games.

I've been role-playing for about 10 years and played lots of characters from mutant polar bears to glory crazed mechwarriors. This page will mainly concentrate on games that I've GM'd (Game mastered).

    The First game I ever GM'd was a twisted version of Robotech, by Palladium Books. All my games are twisted, because I never totally follow the story line. I guess I consider it a guide line not the true path. And usually, the other players know the outcome.
    That Robotech game went on for about 3-4 years. Then we allowed others into a re-ran version of that game. Unfortunately (fortunately) that game didn't last long.

Throughout the next year I mostly played instead of GM'ing. In the winter of 1993, there was attempt at another game. This time a pseudo Macross II game, Harmonized, though I basically lost interest and introducing my current Girlfriend (who couldn't role-play to save herself) to it, didn't help. So I went back to playing. Then around june/july of 1994, many moons after breaking up with my GF, I was proposed to start up another game.

Southern Macross.


Southern Macross I was a combination of Robotech Macross, Robotech Southern Cross, and many other sources. Kirk Couglyn Brian D. Gallop, Jayesunn Krump Eric Chaves, and Al Berkner  Joe Cabana, were the only players. I remember that the first night was at jayesunn's house, down in the basement. The game ran very smoothly and it has become (for some) a mark that all games are judged.
    Southern Macross II was a combination of Robotech Invid Invasion, and Mekton (by R.talisorian Games). But instead of being on earth, the characters were out in space fleeing the nearly destroyed planet. This time period in the game was passed up since I felt that it wouldn't be much more than hack-n-slash. Though there have been some ideas to go back and finish it.
    The end of Southern Macross II brought around the beginning or Southern Macross III, and some new players. Ryan Scott, Rob Beard, Joel Albrecht, and Nate Kohlman. This time players and crew of the SDF-1 Calgary believe they know the way home and fold into hyperspace. The fold is fouled and the cast is through into another conflict. This time they meet an alien species call The Femmentm. this game ran pretty straight though. Though at the end when the players found a way home, things started to get screwy with peoples schedules and things were pt on hold. A short time later we were reassembled and brought the story to a point at where I could leave it. though at this time, Al Berkner was lost due to conflicts with the group, he will be forever known as "Shields!"  A story for another time.
    It wasn't until early this year that Southern Macross III was finally finished. That was where I was put together with "I faked Gloval's death. Bastard!"

Heavy Gear

 Heavy gear was a game I got into around christmas of '96. My other friends liked it so I started it up. The game was ran on friday nights at Jayesunn's house. Other players were Rob Beard, Kevin Sullivan, and Joel Albrecht. This game was fun for me. Someday I'll drag it out of the closet.
    Bravo was a parallel game that I ran with some other friends who couldn't make it on fridays. I eventually dropped it to concentrate on fridays.
    Charlie, was a game that I ran with mostly other people than my friday night group since we hadn't gotten together for some time for one thing or another. This game was at Rob's house, it was Rob, Kevin, Karl Berkner-Al's brother, Joel, and rob's wife  . As with most of my games I twist them into something else. At the time of this game Showtime was about to start up their new STARGATE SG-1 SERIES. Well, lets just say it game me some ideas. Though I ended my game one, to get ideas for the predicament that i ended it at, and two, to let Rob run his Jovian Chronicals game.
Someday I hope to finish both these games.
    Since everyone too their sweet time making characters for STNG (see below), I got to work on Heavy Gear again. A campaign is in the works. 1-28-00.



Winter 1998 I started Fasa's Battletech. From the first sign it looked like I could take it for a long stretch. While building my campaign idea, I read nearly 10-13 B-tech novels. I was really getting hyped up for it. It took the players time to get to making characters. Then we actually started. Then the real complications started. It was one problem after another, this person couldn't show, or that person. I was too tired to run or people were too tired to show. It's rather hard getting together after 2300 on fridays when everyone has worked since 0800. Then other things came up, from november to January we played only once. When we got together again after that, no one had it in them to play, except 1-2 players. And from me I wasn't interested in wasting the effort if only 1-2 people are going to actively participate. Kind of a shame really, I had sooooo much prepared. Oh well. Let me tell you that Battletech is a game for ONLY Battletech fans. The game is too deep for average players, you really need to know the world. I'ts not a game that you can just pick up and play.

January 2000. I started Last Unicorn games' Star Trek The Next Generation RPG. A Half-human/Vulcan female Captain. A male Trill 1st Officer, A male Brikar Tactical Officer (The New Frontier novels), A human female Chief Medical Officer, and a Kzinti Chief Engineer.  They all serve on the U.S.S. MOBIUS.  The Mobius is an Intrepid class (Star Trek Voyager) that was badly damaged during the Dominion war. Nacell and Minor hull replacement was necessary to repair the ship. As of 12-23-00 the ship is along the Romulan Neutral zone. That was the first session. From what I've heard so far, everyone enjoyed themselves. :-)

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